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Jeffrey Borr Memorial Telescope

The larger (West) dome of the Veen Observatory is the "general" area for observing and photography (both film and CCD). The dome houses a Meade 16-inch LX-200 mounted on a custom wedge system specifically designed for this dome.


The telescope can be operated either by the supplied hand controller or by computers running the latest software, which gives precise control for the telescope.


Accessories for the telescope system include a set of TeleVue Nagler eyepieces, the Optec Intelligent Filter Wheel (IFW) and Temperature Controlled Focuser (TCF). Also, a full set of filters is available for the IFW for visual and photographic use.


A 4-inch Takahashi refractoris mounted on the main instrument, and is also used for observing and imaging.


The telescope was dedicated to the memory of Jeffrey Borr, a GRAAA member who lost his life in the Vietnam war.

East Dome Anchor


The James & Evelyn Marron Telescope

The smaller (East) dome of the Veen Observatory is the primary research center of the building. The dome houses a Celestron C-14 mounted on a Software Bisque Paramount ME system. The dome rotation is also controlled by a MaxDome system from Diffraction Limited, which allows constant tracking and alignment of both dome opening and telescope.


Computers running the latest software handle the myriad of tasks to make the dome and telescope work in concert to give precise control for a wide array of observations, including CCD imaging, photometry, astrometry, etc.


The MPC (Minor Planet Center) code for this site is H24.


Accessories for the telescope system include:

  • TeleVue Nagler eyepieces

  • SBIG SAT-8, ST-9E, ST-2000 CCD cameras

  • Optec Pyxis Field Rotator, Intelligent Filter Wheel (IFW) (w/filters), Temperature Controlled Focuser (TCF).


At a ceremony celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the GRAAA, the telescope was named in honor of James & Evelyn Marron, for their years of dedicated service to the Association.

Dob Anchor

Percy Hawkins Memorial Telescope

Located in a special enclosure is a 17-inch Dobsonian telescope, which is excellent for general observing. It is on an alt-azimuth mount, and must be moved by hand as the stars move across the sky.


Accessories for the telescope system include a set of TeleVue Nagler eyepieces.


The telescope was dedicated to the memory of Percy Hawkins, a longtime GRAAA member and one of the mainstays of constructing the Veen Observatory.

Lunt Anchor

Lunt Hydrogen-Alpha Telescope

Used for solar observation, general features of this telescope include:​

  • A 60mm f/8.3 dedicated solar telescope with additional 50mm aperture secondary removable filter.

  • Dual etalons with pressure tuning allows for <0.5 Angstrom bandpass, providing 3D-like enhanced surface detail.

  • The LS60THa includes your choice of a 2″ Crayford or Starlight Instruments Feather Touch Focuser and blocking filter, an aluminum case, and an externally mounted 50mm Ha filter.


More information.

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