The Veen Observatory is closed to group tours for the winter. You may make a reservation next year on any available date April 1 through November 1, 2025.
Are you looking for an outing for your school field trip, scout group, church, or work cohort? Or imagine your own personal evening under the stars with your family or as a date night. Consider visiting the Veen Observatory for a night of all-ages fun featuring wonderful views of the universe at a premiere educational institution!
The James C. Veen Observatory, owned and operated by the Grand Rapids Amateur Astronomical Association, is available for group tours from April 1st through November 1st.
These evenings feature tours of the observatory, presentations about the history of GRAAA and the Veen, and observation of stars, planets, and other astronomical objects through the GRAAA's large telescopes. Members of the GRAAA will be your hosts, helping you identify bright stars and constellations, point out Earth orbiting satellites, and provide an opportunity for Q&A.
Before reserving the observatory, please read through the Group Tours Information and Group Tours FAQ. If you have additional questions, email us at graaa@graaa.org. Then carefully look through the reservations calendar below (click on each day to view details) and book your visit using the Group Reservation Form. Once you submit your request, a member of the GRAAA Outreach Committee with follow up with you via email.
John Ball Park Zoo School
East Kentwood High School
Calvin College
Grand Rapids Community College
GVSU Physics Club
Kendall College of Art and Design
Thornapple Kellogg Middle School
East Grand Rapids Robotics Club
Lowell Classical Conversations Home School
Assumption School
Boy Scouts of America
Girl Scouts of America
Selah Home School
Christ Church Junior High School
Gilliam Home School
Thousand Hills Christian Church
Oriole Park Elementary
GRPM Camp Curiosity
Hope Network
Elmcroft of Kentwood Senior Living Facility
Friday Addition Home School
Private Parties